Oregon Election Performance Auditing Report, 2020

Oregon Election Performance Auditing Report, 2020
Oregon Election Performance Auditing Report, 2020

This report details the findings from an election performance audit of the Oregon statewide elections system, and public opinion polling data to establish statewide levels of confidence in the system and identify areas that need improvement.

While we did not find any immediate vulnerabilities in the system, and found high quality and accurate data in the system, the most important and pressing conclusion of our report is that the Oregon Centralized Voter System, like many voter registration systems nationwide, is difficult to audit as it is based on outdated technology that needs to be modernized.

This project involved the first collaboration between the Early Voting Information Center at Reed College and the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project at the California Institute of Technology. While our institutions have very different educational missions, we share an interest in helping to leverage our scientific research capacity to improve American elections and to mentor new generations of scholars of election science and administration.