Resilient Elections Talks Elections Forensics with Ines Levin

Today Resilient Elections’ Mike Alvarez speaks with Dr. Ines Levin of the University of California, Irvine. Addressing research on Elections Forensics, Mike and Ines demonstrate the utility of robust statistics and machine learning tools in Political Science methodology.

Elections Forensics seeks to survey and respond to concerns about fraudulent and unintended irregularities in voting. By quantitatively studying political behavior, forecasts, and turnout, political scientists like Dr. Levin work to reassure voters’ trust in the electoral system.
As a collaboration between the Early Voting Information Center (EVIC) and the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, Professors Paul Gronke (Reed College) and R. Michael Alvarez (Caltech) facilitate dialogue between leading election scholars, administrators, and innovators. By encouraging academic partnerships and community outreach alike, Resilient Elections ascertains how best to proceed with election administration this November and beyond. Stay tuned for upcoming conversations on forging academic-community relationships, vote-by-mail and polling in the era of COVID-19.