All the early voting news all the time
  1. Reuters reports on the continuing legal battles over early voting, even as citizens begin to cast their ballots.  Amid court challenges, early voting begins in U.S. election  [Gronke comments: Along with Hasen and Persily, though speaking only for myself, both parties are fighting hard but this is unlikely to make much of a difference.]

  2. Ohio officials have mailed out no-excuse absentee ballots statewide and are urging citizens to return them on a timely basis.  Cuyahoga County officials encourage early voting to avoid long lines on Election Day [Gronke comments: a natural experiment in action!]

  3. Kentucky SoS Alison Grimes endorses a bill that will allow overseas citizens and members of the military to return absentee ballots by email.  Grimes proposes letting overseas troops vote by email  [Gronke comments: if voting by email is quicker and more secure for the troops, why not allow this for everyone?]