New Research from USC Center for Inclusive Democracy and EVIC Collaboration on Ballot Tracking

We’re excited to share some new research from the Center for Inclusive Democracy (CID) at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy and our team here at the Elections & Voting Information Center (EVIC).

In “Vote-by-Mail Ballot Tracking: A Multi-State Analysis of Voter Turnout and Rejection Rates”, our combined team found that voters in Georgia, Colorado and California who used a free vote-by-mail ballot tracking tool during the 2022 midterms reported higher confidence in the electoral process than non-tool users.

This study was led by CID with Sol Price School of Public Policy Assistant Research Professor Mindy Romero, PhD, a political sociologist and the founder and director of the CID, serving as the study’s Principal Investigator.

EVIC’s founder and director Paul Gronke, PhD, political scientist at Reed College, and Lisa A. Bryant, PhD, political scientist, department chair, and 2024-2026 Andrew Carnegie Fellow (Carnegie Corporation of New York) at California State University, Fresno focused on the instrument creation and surveying aspect of this project.

CID Research Associate Anna (Annie) Meier and EVIC Senior Program Advisor Michelle M. Shafer also contributed to this work.

Support for this project was provided by the Election Trust Initiative.

Read the University of Southern California press release about this report here, and read the report itself here.