2023 Local Election Official Survey Codebook
Elections & Voting Information Center at Reed College
These is the codebook for the 2023 Local Election Official (LEO) Survey, administered by the Elections & Voting Information Center (EVIC) at Reed College, under the direction of EVIC Director Paul Gronke, PhD and EVIC Research Director Paul Manson, PhD..
The 2023 LEO Survey was administered by EVIC at Reed College in collaboration with our survey partner, SSRS Inc, and was made possible by the generous support of the MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL) and the Election Trust Initiative. EVIC takes all responsibility for interpretations of these results.
The 2023 LEO Survey is the fifth survey of LEOs undertaken by EVIC. Previous surveys were conducted in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022 with generous support from Democracy Fund. These surveys are a resource for election officials, researchers, and others in the democracy and election spaces to access important and timely metrics of the state of the election administration profession at the local level across the United States.
The survey project was initiated in 2018 to amplify local election officials’ voices in national, regional, and state conversations about election administration, integrity, and conduct. The survey project has evolved to provide ongoing metrics on job satisfaction, retirements and replacement, and staffing and workforce retention; a barometer of attitudes and opinions about election integrity and reform; and new measures developed in response to emerging challenges, demands, and opportunities.
The 2023 LEO Survey was fielded from July 11, to August 16, 2023. A total of n=886 LEOs completed the survey.
We appreciate the thoughtful responses that we received from so many LEOs. More details on the 2023 survey, including survey methodology, questionnaires, and past surveys can be found at the Elections & Voting Information Center website at evic.reed.edu or by contacting EVIC directly.
It is critical to use survey weights for this survey. Respondents were sampled with unequal probabilities proportionate to the number of registered voters in the jurisdiction. This was done to guarantee coverage of larger jurisdictions and to ensure that the sample did not over represent states with a comparatively large number of very small jurisdictions.
The sample weights were initially generated based on design weights from the sampling method, trimmed to ensure that small jurisdictions do not end up with too large a weight, and then post-stratified to ensure that the proportion of the jurisdiction categories within the survey match those proportions in the overall LEO population.
Methodological note: Codebook and crosstab data are weighted, so the n values have been rounded to whole numbers. In some cases, this may produce an artifact where n = 0 but the percentage is greater than 0. Statements about question response rates are unweighted.
Four types of questions are reported in this codebook:
SCREENER. Are you the chief election official in your jurisdiction?
SCREENER | n | % |
Yes, I am the chief local election official | 773 | 87.2% |
No, but my office has determined I am the right person to answer this survey | 113 | 12.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TITLE. What is your title?
Open ended question; top 9 responses shown
TITLE_1 | n | % |
Town, City, or Village Clerk | 210 | 23.7% |
Clerk or County Clerk | 164 | 18.6% |
Clerk/Treasurer | 73 | 8.2% |
Director | 42 | 4.7% |
Deputy Clerk | 16 | 1.8% |
Auditor | 12 | 1.3% |
Election Administrator | 12 | 1.3% |
Town Clerk/Registrar of Voters | 10 | 1.1% |
Supervisor of Elections | 9 | 1.0% |
All other responses | 338 | 38.2% |
885 out of 885 responding (100.0%)
CURPOS_LEN. How many years have you been in your current positions?
Response set were originally individual years, these have been categorized
CURPOS_LEN_cat | n | % |
Zero years | 27 | 3.0% |
1 year | 95 | 10.7% |
2 years | 53 | 6.0% |
3 years | 88 | 9.9% |
4 years | 51 | 5.8% |
5 years | 66 | 7.5% |
6 years | 34 | 3.8% |
7 years | 65 | 7.3% |
8-10 years | 133 | 15.0% |
11-15 years | 93 | 10.5% |
16-20 years | 81 | 9.2% |
21-30 years | 63 | 7.1% |
> 30 years | 36 | 4.0% |
The average years of experience in the current position is 9.427856 with a standard error of 0.593309.
The median years of experience in the current position is 7 with a standard error of 0.2547574.
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POS_LEN. How many years have you worked in a paid capacity in the elections field, not including time as a volunteer or temporary worker?
POS_LEN placeholder
POS_LEN_cat | n | % |
Zero years | 42 | 4.7% |
1 year | 41 | 4.6% |
2 years | 34 | 3.8% |
3 years | 56 | 6.4% |
4 years | 35 | 3.9% |
5 years | 48 | 5.4% |
6 years | 25 | 2.9% |
7 years | 40 | 4.5% |
8-10 years | 114 | 12.9% |
11-15 years | 134 | 15.1% |
16-20 years | 131 | 14.8% |
21-30 years | 126 | 14.3% |
> 30 years | 59 | 6.6% |
The average years in the elections field is 13.065575 with a standard error of 0.6777825.
The median years in the elections field is 11 with a standard error of 0.7642712.
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CURPOS_TENORLESS. Including yourself, how many people have served as the chief election official in this jurisdiction over the past ten years?
1 | 39 | 7.1% |
2 | 334 | 59.8% |
3 | 96 | 17.3% |
4 | 33 | 5.9% |
5 | 4 | 0.7% |
More than 5 | 20 | 3.7% |
I don’t know | 31 | 5.6% |
596 out of 596 responding (100.0%)
SELECTTYPE. Were you elected, appointed, or hired?
SELECTTYPE | n | % |
Elected | 433 | 48.9% |
Appointed | 293 | 33.1% |
Hired | 144 | 16.3% |
Other (please specify) | 15 | 1.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CIVSRVC. Does your position have civil service protection (or merited), or do you serve at the will of the individual or board who appointed you?
CIVSRVC | n | % |
My position has civil service protection or is merited | 26 | 5.9% |
My position is an at will position | 326 | 72.1% |
Other (please specify) | 38 | 8.3% |
I don’t know | 62 | 13.7% |
527 out of 527 responding (100.0%)
ELECTTYPE. You indicated you were elected to your position, what type of election was that?
ELECTTYPE | n | % |
Partisan election | 223 | 51.5% |
Non-partisan election | 209 | 48.3% |
359 out of 359 responding (100.0%)
ELECTCONTEST. You indicated you were elected to your position. Was your most recent election contested or were you unopposed (in the general election)?
Contested | 60 | 13.8% |
Unopposed | 373 | 86.1% |
359 out of 359 responding (100.0%)
FTPTCUR. Is your current position full-time or part-time?
FTPTCUR | n | % |
Full-time | 572 | 64.6% |
Part-time | 280 | 31.6% |
Other (please specify) | 34 | 3.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
PREVIOUSJOB. We are interested in how people became engaged in election administration. What were you doing just before you were first employed in an elections office? Private business
PREVIOUSJOB | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Private business | 451 | 50.9% |
Non-elections related local govt | 172 | 19.5% |
Other | 80 | 9.1% |
Elected Official | 73 | 8.2% |
Non-elections related state or federal govt | 63 | 7.1% |
Employed with a non-profit organization | 44 | 4.9% |
Volunteered or served in an unpaid capacity | 28 | 3.1% |
Employed in higher education | 27 | 3.0% |
Enrolled in high school, college, or graduate school | 27 | 3.0% |
Political campaign party, or organization | 16 | 1.8% |
STARTWORK. How were you first employed in election administration?
STARTWORK | n | % |
I was hired to work in an election office or in some other office that also handled election administration | 439 | 49.6% |
I was elected as a chief local election official | 132 | 14.9% |
I was appointed as a chief local election official | 152 | 17.2% |
I was hired as a contractor to work with an elections office | 5 | 0.6% |
Other (please specify) | 157 | 17.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
WORKLOAD. Which of the following best describes your job for the year 2023? Election related matters constitute:
WORKLOAD | n | % |
All or almost all of my workload | 161 | 18.1% |
The majority of my workload, but I have other duties not related to elections as well | 279 | 31.5% |
Less than half of my workload | 446 | 50.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
MAX_HOURS_ELECTION. Please enter your best estimate of the maximum number of hours per week you dedicate to election-related tasks during peak election periods.
MAX_HOURS_ELECTION_cat | n | % |
0-20 hours | 226 | 30.0% |
21-30 hours | 160 | 21.2% |
31-40 hours | 162 | 21.5% |
41-60 hours | 134 | 17.8% |
> 60 hours | 72 | 9.6% |
The average hours worked in peak election period is 35.0742793 with a standard error of 1.1929494.
The median hours worked in peak election period is 30 with a standard error of 1.2736486.
MAX_HOURS_WEEKS. For how many weeks does this peak workload continue?
MAX_HOURS_WEEKS_cat | n | % |
0-5 weeks | 369 | 41.7% |
6-10 weeks | 236 | 26.6% |
11-20 weeks | 94 | 10.6% |
> 20 weeks | 27 | 3.1% |
Don’t Know | 160 | 18.0% |
The average weeks in peak election period is 186.4949397 with a standard error of 25.5988061.
The median hours worked in peak election period is 6 with a standard error of 0.2547578.
MAX_HOURS_NONELECTION. Please enter your best estimate of the maximum number of hours per week you dedicate to election-related tasks during a non-elections period.
0-10 hours | 489 | 56.8% |
11-20 hours | 73 | 8.5% |
21-40 hours | 153 | 17.7% |
> 40 | 29 | 3.4% |
Don’t know | 118 | 13.6% |
The average hours worked in non-election period is 13.1894368 with a standard error of 0.7366989.
The median hours worked in non-election period is 5 with a standard error of 0.
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_a. Do the following items require more, less, or about the same amount of your time compared with 4 years ago:
Voter registration
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 155 | 17.5% |
More time than 4 years ago | 343 | 38.8% |
No change from 4 years ago | 313 | 35.3% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 20 | 2.3% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 14 | 1.6% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
866 out of 886 responding (97.7%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_b. Preparing for Election Day voting
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 341 | 38.5% |
More time than 4 years ago | 365 | 41.2% |
No change from 4 years ago | 137 | 15.5% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 9 | 1.1% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 4 | 0.5% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_c. Preparing for pre-Election Day voting
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 375 | 42.4% |
More time than 4 years ago | 315 | 35.6% |
No change from 4 years ago | 153 | 17.3% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 7 | 0.8% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 4 | 0.5% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
868 out of 886 responding (98.0%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_d. Signature matching
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 115 | 13.0% |
More time than 4 years ago | 209 | 23.6% |
No change from 4 years ago | 467 | 52.7% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 25 | 2.8% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 25 | 2.8% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
855 out of 886 responding (96.5%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_e. Ballot curing
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 114 | 12.9% |
More time than 4 years ago | 243 | 27.4% |
No change from 4 years ago | 435 | 49.1% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 28 | 3.2% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 16 | 1.8% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
852 out of 886 responding (96.2%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_f. Post-election audits
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 188 | 21.2% |
More time than 4 years ago | 305 | 34.4% |
No change from 4 years ago | 337 | 38.0% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 9 | 1.0% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 5 | 0.6% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
864 out of 886 responding (97.5%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_g. Citizen complaints
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 156 | 17.6% |
More time than 4 years ago | 277 | 31.3% |
No change from 4 years ago | 380 | 42.9% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 12 | 1.4% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 21 | 2.4% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
869 out of 886 responding (98.1%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_h. Public Records Requests
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 338 | 38.1% |
More time than 4 years ago | 313 | 35.3% |
No change from 4 years ago | 186 | 21.0% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 4 | 0.5% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 8 | 0.9% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
871 out of 886 responding (98.3%)
WORKLOAD_CHANGE_i. Media requests
A lot more time than a 4 years ago | 132 | 14.9% |
More time than 4 years ago | 253 | 28.5% |
No change from 4 years ago | 421 | 47.5% |
Less time than 4 years ago | 13 | 1.5% |
A lot less time than 4 years ago | 19 | 2.1% |
I don’t know | 0 | 0.0% |
864 out of 886 responding (97.5%)
FTE. Including yourself, how many permanent FTE (full-time equivalent) staff work in your office?
FTE | n | % |
No full-time staff, including myself | 285 | 32.2% |
1 | 160 | 18.1% |
2 to 5 | 354 | 40.0% |
6 to 10 | 47 | 5.3% |
11 to 20 | 23 | 2.6% |
21 to 50 | 13 | 1.4% |
More than 50 | 4 | 0.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
FTE_ELECTIONS. How many of these staff are fully dedicated to elections?
1 | 135 | 22.4% |
2 to 5 | 112 | 18.6% |
6 to 10 | 8 | 1.4% |
11 to 20 | 6 | 0.9% |
21 to 50 | 3 | 0.5% |
More than 50 | 0 | 0.1% |
All of my staff are fully dedicated to elections | 121 | 20.2% |
None of my staff are fully dedicated to elections | 216 | 36.0% |
827 out of 827 responding (100.0%)
HIRED. Has your office hired new permanent staff or employees in the past two years?
HIRED | n | % |
Yes | 360 | 40.6% |
No | 526 | 59.3% |
885 out of 886 responding (99.9%)
DIFFICULT. Was it more difficult, less difficult, or about the same level of difficulty to fill this position as in the past?
DIFFICULT | n | % |
Much more difficult | 64 | 17.6% |
Somewhat more difficult | 138 | 38.4% |
About the same | 144 | 40.1% |
Somewhat less difficult | 6 | 1.6% |
Much less difficult | 3 | 0.7% |
519 out of 525 responding (98.9%)
TEMP_ELECTIONS. How many temporary election workers does your office expect to recruit for the November 2024 general election, such as for office support, election boards, and other elections duties, but excluding poll workers?
None | 296 | 33.4% |
1 to 5 | 275 | 31.1% |
6 to 10 | 126 | 14.3% |
11 to 20 | 68 | 7.6% |
21 to 50 | 48 | 5.4% |
51 to 100 | 24 | 2.7% |
100 to 250 | 17 | 2.0% |
More than 250 | 9 | 1.0% |
Don’t know | 23 | 2.6% |
885 out of 886 responding (99.9%)
DIFFICULT_TEMP. Do you expect it to be more difficult, less difficult, or about the same level of difficulty as it has been in the past to fill temporary positions (excluding poll workers) for the November 2024 elections?
Much more difficult | 105 | 17.8% |
Somewhat more difficult | 194 | 32.9% |
About the same | 241 | 40.8% |
Somewhat less difficult | 16 | 2.7% |
Much less difficult | 11 | 1.9% |
TEMP_PW. How many poll workers does your office expect to recruit for the November 2024 general election?
TEMP_PW | n | % |
None | 26 | 2.9% |
1 to 5 | 116 | 13.1% |
6 to 10 | 160 | 18.1% |
11 to 20 | 190 | 21.4% |
21 to 50 | 143 | 16.1% |
51 to 100 | 85 | 9.6% |
100 to 250 | 76 | 8.6% |
More than 250 | 56 | 6.3% |
We do not have poll workers in our state | 11 | 1.3% |
Don’t know | 23 | 2.6% |
DIFFICULT_TEMP_PW. Do you expect it to be more difficult, less difficult, or about the same level of difficulty as it has been in the past to fill poll worker positions for the November 2024 election?
Much more difficult | 176 | 20.7% |
Somewhat more difficult | 292 | 34.5% |
About the same | 332 | 39.1% |
Somewhat less difficult | 14 | 1.6% |
Much less difficult | 13 | 1.5% |
ELECTIONCOUNT. How many elections will your office administer from January through December 2023?
2 or less | 615 | 69.4% |
3 | 135 | 15.2% |
4 | 55 | 6.2% |
5 | 8 | 0.9% |
6 or more | 29 | 3.2% |
I don’t know | 37 | 4.2% |
TRAINING_NEW. When you first became an election official, did you receive training to prepare you for your duties?
TRAINING_NEW | n | % |
Yes | 682 | 77.0% |
No | 203 | 23.0% |
TRAININGNEW_SOURCE. You said you received training when you started your job., Which of the following sources did you receive training from, if any? State managed training program
TRAININGNEW_SOURCE | n | % of LEOs selecting |
State mandated training program | 440 | 64.6% |
Informal / person to person training | 327 | 48.0% |
State Clerk or State Election Association | 323 | 47.4% |
Local manage training program | 199 | 29.1% |
Other | 58 | 8.5% |
University or college program | 36 | 5.3% |
None of the above | 2 | 0.3% |
TRAININGONGOING_SOURCE. Now thinking about ongoing training - which of the following sources do you receive ongoing training from?
TRAININGONGOING_SOURCE | n | % of LEOs selecting |
State managed training program | 576 | 65.0% |
State Clerk or State Election Association | 555 | 62.6% |
Informal / person to person training | 267 | 30.1% |
Local manage training program | 217 | 24.5% |
Other | 65 | 7.3% |
University or college program | 58 | 6.6% |
None of the above | 20 | 2.3% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_a. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about elections training.
It important for a state to mandate initial training for elections officials
Strongly agree | 443 | 50.1% |
Agree | 312 | 35.2% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 97 | 10.9% |
Disagree | 15 | 1.7% |
Strongly disagree | 4 | 0.4% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_b. It is important for a state to mandate ongoing training for elections officials
Strongly agree | 425 | 48.0% |
Agree | 326 | 36.7% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 101 | 11.4% |
Disagree | 16 | 1.8% |
Strongly disagree | 3 | 0.3% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_c. I feel well informed about training opportunities available to election officials like me
Strongly agree | 288 | 32.5% |
Agree | 408 | 46.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 131 | 14.7% |
Disagree | 39 | 4.4% |
Strongly disagree | 3 | 0.4% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_d. Due to my office’s budget, I cannot afford professional development opportunities
Strongly agree | 79 | 8.9% |
Agree | 200 | 22.6% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 253 | 28.5% |
Disagree | 193 | 21.8% |
Strongly disagree | 146 | 16.5% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_e. I don’t think I need ongoing elections training
Strongly agree | 8 | 0.9% |
Agree | 4 | 0.5% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 128 | 14.5% |
Disagree | 314 | 35.4% |
Strongly disagree | 414 | 46.8% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_f. My job keeps me so busy that I never seem to have the time to pursue professional development.
Strongly agree | 37 | 4.2% |
Agree | 182 | 20.6% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 322 | 36.3% |
Disagree | 225 | 25.4% |
Strongly disagree | 104 | 11.8% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_g. It is hard to find elections training programs that are applicable to my jurisdiction’s specific needs
Strongly agree | 15 | 1.7% |
Agree | 135 | 15.2% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 293 | 33.0% |
Disagree | 270 | 30.4% |
Strongly disagree | 157 | 17.7% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_h. It is hard to find elections training programs that are applicable to my own specific professional needs
Strongly agree | 10 | 1.1% |
Agree | 122 | 13.8% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 311 | 35.2% |
Disagree | 280 | 31.6% |
Strongly disagree | 147 | 16.6% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_i. It is hard to find elections training programs that are free or low cost
Strongly agree | 60 | 6.8% |
Agree | 163 | 18.4% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 276 | 31.1% |
Disagree | 203 | 22.9% |
Strongly disagree | 168 | 19.0% |
TRAINING_EVALUATION_j. I require my staff to attend ongoing elections training and professional development
Strongly agree | 250 | 28.2% |
Agree | 374 | 42.2% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 214 | 24.2% |
Disagree | 27 | 3.0% |
Strongly disagree | 6 | 0.7% |
In general, how important are the following types of training for your office to optimize your election operations?
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_a. Introductory Elections Topics (Elections 101)
Extremely important | 405 | 47.0% |
Very important | 166 | 19.3% |
Important | 223 | 25.9% |
Somewhat important | 38 | 4.4% |
Not at all important | 3 | 0.3% |
Not applicable | 25 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.1% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_b. Voter Registration and List Maintenance
Extremely important | 426 | 50.0% |
Very important | 186 | 21.8% |
Important | 189 | 22.1% |
Somewhat important | 22 | 2.6% |
Not at all important | 3 | 0.3% |
Not applicable | 33 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_c. Administration: Election Day Polling Places
Extremely important | 444 | 51.8% |
Very important | 172 | 20.1% |
Important | 195 | 22.8% |
Somewhat important | 16 | 1.8% |
Not at all important | 2 | 0.3% |
Not applicable | 29 |
Web blank | 28 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_d. Administration: Early Voting and Vote Centers
Extremely important | 412 | 48.4% |
Very important | 161 | 18.9% |
Important | 213 | 25.0% |
Somewhat important | 24 | 2.9% |
Not at all important | 14 | 1.6% |
Not applicable | 34 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_e. Voting By Mail / Absentee Ballot Administration
Extremely important | 450 | 51.1% |
Very important | 210 | 23.8% |
Important | 165 | 18.8% |
Somewhat important | 26 | 2.9% |
Not at all important | 0 | 0.0% |
Not applicable | 5 |
Web blank | 30 | 3.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_f. Post-Election Canvassing and Certification
Extremely important | 374 | 43.5% |
Very important | 175 | 20.3% |
Important | 204 | 23.7% |
Somewhat important | 63 | 7.3% |
Not at all important | 17 | 1.9% |
Not applicable | 26 |
Web blank | 28 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely important | 379 | 43.2% |
Very important | 182 | 20.8% |
Important | 222 | 25.3% |
Somewhat important | 59 | 6.8% |
Not at all important | 8 | 0.9% |
Not applicable | 9 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.1% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely important | 403 | 46.2% |
Very important | 166 | 19.1% |
Important | 203 | 23.3% |
Somewhat important | 70 | 8.0% |
Not at all important | 3 | 0.3% |
Not applicable | 15 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.1% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_IMPORTANCE_i. Continuity of Operations Planning
Extremely important | 349 | 41.2% |
Very important | 178 | 21.0% |
Important | 242 | 28.6% |
Somewhat important | 50 | 5.9% |
Not at all important | 1 | 0.1% |
Not applicable | 39 |
Web blank | 27 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely important | 378 | 43.5% |
Very important | 203 | 23.3% |
Important | 216 | 24.9% |
Somewhat important | 44 | 5.0% |
Not at all important | 1 | 0.1% |
Not applicable | 16 |
Web blank | 28 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
In general, how satisfied have you been with the following types of training for your office?
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_a. Introductory Elections Topics (Elections 101)
Extremely satisfied | 160 | 18.0% |
Very satisfied | 203 | 22.9% |
Satisfied | 384 | 43.3% |
Somewhat satisfied | 63 | 7.1% |
Not at all satisfied | 15 | 1.6% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 46 | 5.2% |
Web blank | 17 | 1.9% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_b. Voter Registration and List Maintenance
Extremely satisfied | 150 | 16.9% |
Very satisfied | 205 | 23.1% |
Satisfied | 357 | 40.2% |
Somewhat satisfied | 80 | 9.1% |
Not at all satisfied | 12 | 1.4% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 54 | 6.1% |
Web blank | 28 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_c. Administration: Election Day Polling Places
Extremely satisfied | 146 | 16.4% |
Very satisfied | 224 | 25.3% |
Satisfied | 380 | 42.9% |
Somewhat satisfied | 70 | 7.9% |
Not at all satisfied | 9 | 1.0% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 42 | 4.7% |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_d. Administration: Early Voting and Vote Centers
Extremely satisfied | 126 | 14.3% |
Very satisfied | 198 | 22.3% |
Satisfied | 368 | 41.6% |
Somewhat satisfied | 79 | 8.9% |
Not at all satisfied | 13 | 1.5% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 86 | 9.7% |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_e. Voting By Mail / Absentee Ballot Administration
Extremely satisfied | 157 | 17.7% |
Very satisfied | 208 | 23.5% |
Satisfied | 392 | 44.3% |
Somewhat satisfied | 77 | 8.6% |
Not at all satisfied | 10 | 1.1% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 26 | 3.0% |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_f. Post-Election Canvassing and Certification
Extremely satisfied | 122 | 13.8% |
Very satisfied | 194 | 21.9% |
Satisfied | 358 | 40.5% |
Somewhat satisfied | 124 | 14.0% |
Not at all satisfied | 16 | 1.8% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 54 | 6.1% |
Web blank | 17 | 1.9% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely satisfied | 121 | 13.7% |
Very satisfied | 186 | 20.9% |
Satisfied | 355 | 40.0% |
Somewhat satisfied | 121 | 13.7% |
Not at all satisfied | 25 | 2.8% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 61 | 6.9% |
Web blank | 17 | 1.9% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely satisfied | 135 | 15.2% |
Very satisfied | 182 | 20.6% |
Satisfied | 373 | 42.1% |
Somewhat satisfied | 107 | 12.1% |
Not at all satisfied | 18 | 2.0% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 55 | 6.2% |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TOPICS_SATISFIED_i. Continuity of Operations Planning
Extremely satisfied | 103 | 11.7% |
Very satisfied | 177 | 20.0% |
Satisfied | 367 | 41.4% |
Somewhat satisfied | 107 | 12.1% |
Not at all satisfied | 33 | 3.7% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 84 | 9.4% |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Extremely satisfied | 127 | 14.3% |
Very satisfied | 169 | 19.0% |
Satisfied | 378 | 42.6% |
Somewhat satisfied | 100 | 11.3% |
Not at all satisfied | 30 | 3.3% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 62 | 7.0% |
Web blank | 21 | 2.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Considering all topics in general, how important is it for the following team members to receive elections training?
Extremely important | 625 | 70.5% |
Very important | 149 | 16.8% |
Important | 87 | 9.8% |
Somewhat important | 10 | 1.1% |
Not at all important | 0 | 0.0% |
Not applicable | 0 |
Web blank | 15 | 1.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TEAM_IMPORTANCE_b. My regular/permanent staff
Extremely important | 500 | 66.1% |
Very important | 148 | 19.6% |
Important | 71 | 9.4% |
Somewhat important | 13 | 1.7% |
Not at all important | 0 | 0.0% |
Not applicable | 129 |
Web blank | 25 | 3.3% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TEAM_IMPORTANCE_c. My temporary staff, such as poll workers
Extremely important | 454 | 52.0% |
Very important | 228 | 26.1% |
Important | 148 | 16.9% |
Somewhat important | 27 | 3.1% |
Not at all important | 1 | 0.1% |
Not applicable | 14 |
Web blank | 16 | 1.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Considering all topics in general, how satisfied are you with the elections training for the following team members?
Extremely satisfied | 198 | 22.3% |
Very satisfied | 256 | 28.9% |
Satisfied | 332 | 37.5% |
Somewhat satisfied | 62 | 7.1% |
Not at all satisfied | 11 | 1.3% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 11 | 1.2% |
Web blank | 15 | 1.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TEAM_SATISFIED_b. My regular/permanent staff
Extremely satisfied | 140 | 15.8% |
Very satisfied | 200 | 22.6% |
Satisfied | 285 | 32.1% |
Somewhat satisfied | 62 | 7.0% |
Not at all satisfied | 14 | 1.6% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 160 | 18.1% |
Web blank | 25 | 2.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
TRAINING_TEAM_SATISFIED_c. My temporary staff, such as poll workers
Extremely satisfied | 138 | 15.6% |
Very satisfied | 207 | 23.4% |
Satisfied | 326 | 36.7% |
Somewhat satisfied | 97 | 11.0% |
Not at all satisfied | 14 | 1.5% |
Not applicable/No experience with this training | 81 | 9.1% |
Web blank | 24 | 2.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
MEMBER. Are you a member of any of the following professional election organizations? International Association of Government Officials (iGO)
MEMBER | n | % of LEOs selecting |
My state association of local election officials, clerks, or county officials | 579 | 65.3% |
I am not a member of any professional election organization | 266 | 30.0% |
Another association of election officials not listed here | 114 | 12.9% |
Election Center (National Association of Election Officials) | 65 | 7.4% |
International Association of Government Officials (iGO) | 21 | 2.4% |
MEETING_HOWMANY. How many professional election organization meetings have you traditionally attended, or would you plan to attend, in a normal year?
0 | 210 | 23.7% |
1 | 183 | 20.6% |
2 | 195 | 22.0% |
3 | 117 | 13.2% |
4 or more | 166 | 18.7% |
Web Blank | 15 | 1.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
MEETING_WHY. Which of the following, if any, keep you from attending professional election organization meetings? There is insufficient budget to pay for meeting fees
MEETING_WHY | n | % of LEOs selecting |
I cannot afford to take time away from office duties | 255 | 28.8% |
Travel and logistical challenges, aside from time and budget | 244 | 27.6% |
Not applicable | 198 | 22.4% |
None of the above | 196 | 22.1% |
There is insufficient budget to pay for meeting fees | 193 | 21.8% |
I don’t find these meetings helpful | 25 | 2.8% |
Some other reason | 25 | 2.8% |
Now we’d like you to think about your state association of election officials. How effective is your state association in the following areas?
STATE_ASSOCIATION_a. Influencing bills and policy changes proposed by the state legislature
Very effective | 290 | 32.7% |
Somewhat effective | 351 | 39.7% |
Not very effective | 111 | 12.5% |
Not at all effective | 39 | 4.4% |
Not active in this area | 65 | 7.4% |
Web blank | 30 | 3.4% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
STATE_ASSOCIATION_b. Representing the interests of jurisdictions like mine
Very effective | 304 | 34.3% |
Somewhat effective | 322 | 36.4% |
Not very effective | 121 | 13.7% |
Not at all effective | 38 | 4.3% |
Not active in this area | 75 | 8.5% |
Web blank | 26 | 2.9% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
STATE_ASSOCIATION_c. Building a positive and supportive community among election administrators
Very effective | 432 | 48.8% |
Somewhat effective | 293 | 33.1% |
Not very effective | 57 | 6.4% |
Not at all effective | 22 | 2.5% |
Not active in this area | 52 | 5.9% |
Web blank | 30 | 3.3% |
875 out of 886 responding (98.8%)
STATE_ASSOCIATION_d. Helping me recruit new members of my staff
Very effective | 100 | 11.3% |
Somewhat effective | 231 | 26.1% |
Not very effective | 193 | 21.8% |
Not at all effective | 82 | 9.3% |
Not active in this area | 253 | 28.5% |
Web blank | 27 | 3.0% |
872 out of 886 responding (98.4%)
STATE_ASSOCIATION_e. Helping me develop and advance my skills as an effective administrator
Very effective | 361 | 40.8% |
Somewhat effective | 346 | 39.1% |
Not very effective | 69 | 7.8% |
Not at all effective | 10 | 1.1% |
Not active in this area | 70 | 7.8% |
Web blank | 30 | 3.4% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
STATE_ASSOCIATION_f. Helping my staff develop and advance their skills
Very effective | 293 | 33.0% |
Somewhat effective | 345 | 38.9% |
Not very effective | 85 | 9.6% |
Not at all effective | 15 | 1.7% |
Not active in this area | 118 | 13.3% |
Web blank | 31 | 3.5% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
RETIREMENTELIG. Will you be eligible to retire from your work as a local election official any time prior to the November 2026 midterm election?
Yes | 301 | 34.0% |
No | 505 | 57.0% |
I don’t know | 74 | 8.3% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RETIREMENTPLAN. Are you considering retiring?
Yes, I am considering retirement before the November 2024 election | 43 | 14.3% |
Yes, I am considering retirement after the November 2024 election but before the November 2026 election | 110 | 36.6% |
No, I am not considering retirement | 73 | 24.1% |
Other (please specify) | 5 | 1.7% |
I don’t know | 70 | 23.4% |
275 out of 275 responding (100.0%)
RETIREMENTREASON. What factors are influencing your considerations of retirement? I can afford to retire earlier than expected
RETIREMENTREASON | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Changes in how elections are administered made the work unsatisfying | 88 | 39.4% |
I have served long enough to retire now | 75 | 33.5% |
I do not enjoy the politcal environment | 72 | 32.3% |
I want to do something else with my time | 57 | 25.5% |
I no longer enjoy the position | 49 | 21.9% |
Personal, family, or other changes unrelated to my work environment | 48 | 21.5% |
My spouse or partner is retiring | 32 | 14.3% |
Other | 21 | 9.5% |
I want to do something else for work | 19 | 8.7% |
I can afford to retire earlier than expected | 17 | 7.4% |
LEAVELEO. Are you considering leaving your work as a local election official any time prior to the November 2024 presidential election?
LEAVELEO | n | % |
Yes | 27 | 4.7% |
No | 467 | 79.9% |
Other (please specify) | 2 | 0.4% |
Depends on opportunities/other job | 0 | 0.1% |
Depends on political climate | 0 | 0.0% |
I don’t know | 82 | 13.9% |
611 out of 611 responding (100.0%)
LEAVEREASON. What reasons motivate you to consider leaving your work as a local election official? I want to do something else for work
LEAVEREASON | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Changes in how elections are administered make the work unsatisfying | 42 | 38.5% |
I can earn more in another position or career | 36 | 32.8% |
I can move to another position where I can earn the same, but the workload is more balanced | 36 | 33.4% |
I no longer enjoy the position | 31 | 28.8% |
I do not enjoy the political environment | 29 | 26.4% |
Personal, family, or other changes unrelated to my work environment | 23 | 21.3% |
Other | 22 | 20.5% |
I want to do something else for work | 13 | 12.3% |
I want to do something else with my time | 13 | 12.0% |
I do not believe I will be re-appointed or re-elected | 1 | 1.1% |
SUCCESSION_PLAN. Do you have a succession plan (formal or informal) for your position?
Yes | 295 | 33.3% |
No | 463 | 52.2% |
Don’t know | 115 | 13.0% |
SUCCESSION_YES. What best describes your succession plan?
I’m preparing my deputy or hand-picked successor to run for office to replace me | 154 | 52.1% |
I’m preparing our governing body to appoint my deputy or hand-picked successor to replace me | 86 | 29.1% |
I have another succession plan | 49 | 16.7% |
SUCCESSION_NO. Why do you not have a succession plan?
It is too soon for me to prepare a succession plan | 272 | 47.1% |
It is not my role to prepare a succession plan | 166 | 28.8% |
I have not had time to prepare a succession plan | 38 | 6.6% |
I have not found an appropriate successor | 97 | 16.8% |
MANUALS. Does your office have written manuals and procedures for the various election related tasks in your office so that if a position were vacated, a replacement could easily fill or transition into the position?
MANUALS | n | % |
Yes, we have hard copies of manuals and processes | 255 | 28.8% |
Yes, we have electronic copies of manuals and processes | 71 | 8.1% |
Yes, we have both hard copies and electronic copies of manuals and processes | 412 | 46.5% |
No, we do not have any documented manuals or processes | 99 | 11.2% |
I don’t know | 28 | 3.1% |
STAFF_DEPARTURES. How many staff members have left your office in the past 12 months?
STAFF_DEPARTURES_cat | n | % |
Zero | 310 | 52.3% |
One | 168 | 28.3% |
Two | 59 | 9.9% |
3 to 5 | 48 | 8.2% |
More than 5 | 8 | 1.3% |
RECRUITMENT. Thinking about recent hirings, which items, if any, represent a barrier to good candidate application pools?
RECRUITMENT | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Our office has not had any recent hires | 337 | 38.0% |
Little or no experience in election administration | 228 | 25.7% |
Lack of practical or applied skills important for these positions | 191 | 21.6% |
NA - applicants generally qualified | 184 | 20.7% |
Lack of time management or commitment | 110 | 12.4% |
Lack of social or interpersonal skills | 107 | 12.0% |
Don’t know | 45 | 5.1% |
Lack of appropriate certification | 30 | 3.4% |
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_a. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
Job classifications of positions in my office reduce interest from job applicants
Strongly agree | 38 | 4.3% |
Agree | 133 | 15.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 493 | 55.7% |
Disagree | 166 | 18.7% |
Strongly disagree | 23 | 2.6% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_b. Job classifications of positions in my office limit pay scales that are competitive in my local job market
Strongly agree | 128 | 14.4% |
Agree | 230 | 25.9% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 372 | 42.0% |
Disagree | 112 | 12.6% |
Strongly disagree | 11 | 1.2% |
872 out of 886 responding (98.4%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_c. Potential job applicants perceive openings in my office as underpaid
Strongly agree | 145 | 16.3% |
Agree | 267 | 30.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 340 | 38.3% |
Disagree | 89 | 10.0% |
Strongly disagree | 11 | 1.2% |
870 out of 886 responding (98.2%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_d. Potential job applicants perceive the work in my office as too contentious or controversial with regards to election administration
Strongly agree | 68 | 7.7% |
Agree | 189 | 21.3% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 443 | 50.0% |
Disagree | 122 | 13.8% |
Strongly disagree | 28 | 3.2% |
868 out of 886 responding (98.0%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_e. Potential job applicants do not realize the value of benefits associated with jobs in my office
Strongly agree | 45 | 5.0% |
Agree | 162 | 18.3% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 472 | 53.3% |
Disagree | 126 | 14.2% |
Strongly disagree | 46 | 5.2% |
870 out of 886 responding (98.2%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_h. I lose employees to other parts of my jurisdiction due to the nature of work associated with elections
Strongly agree | 31 | 3.5% |
Agree | 89 | 10.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 507 | 57.2% |
Disagree | 147 | 16.6% |
Strongly disagree | 78 | 8.8% |
870 out of 886 responding (98.2%)
STAFFING_DYNAMICS_i. When compared to other positions in my jurisdiction, staff in my office are fairly compensated for the work they do
Strongly agree | 36 | 4.0% |
Agree | 195 | 22.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 378 | 42.7% |
Disagree | 156 | 17.6% |
Strongly disagree | 87 | 9.8% |
872 out of 886 responding (98.4%)
CROSS_TRAINING. Does your office rely on cross-training non-elections staff to support your work during election seasons?
Yes | 481 | 54.3% |
No | 396 | 44.7% |
882 out of 886 responding (99.5%)
STAFF_SHARING. Does your office rely on staff sharing from other offices in your jurisdiction to support your work during election seasons?
Yes | 233 | 26.3% |
No | 632 | 71.4% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
JS_a. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment
JS_a | n | % |
Strongly agree | 291 | 32.8% |
Agree | 476 | 53.7% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 73 | 8.2% |
Disagree | 14 | 1.5% |
Strongly disagree | 15 | 1.7% |
Web blank | 18 | 2.1% |
877 out of 886 responding (99.0%)
JS_b. My workload is reasonable
JS_b | n | % |
Strongly agree | 72 | 8.1% |
Agree | 336 | 37.9% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 162 | 18.3% |
Disagree | 208 | 23.4% |
Strongly disagree | 88 | 9.9% |
Web blank | 21 | 2.4% |
875 out of 886 responding (98.8%)
JS_d. My work is respected by other county or local officials
JS_d | n | % |
Strongly agree | 169 | 19.1% |
Agree | 400 | 45.2% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 180 | 20.3% |
Disagree | 83 | 9.4% |
Strongly disagree | 35 | 3.9% |
Web blank | 19 | 2.2% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
JS_e. My work is respected by citizens
JS_e | n | % |
Strongly agree | 138 | 15.6% |
Agree | 470 | 53.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 152 | 17.2% |
Disagree | 85 | 9.6% |
Strongly disagree | 23 | 2.6% |
Web blank | 18 | 2.0% |
878 out of 886 responding (99.1%)
JS_f. I am satisfied with my pay
JS_f | n | % |
Strongly agree | 66 | 7.4% |
Agree | 269 | 30.3% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 201 | 22.7% |
Disagree | 178 | 20.1% |
Strongly disagree | 151 | 17.0% |
Web blank | 22 | 2.5% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
JS_g. A lack of sufficient funding often prevents me from doing my job well
JS_g | n | % |
Strongly agree | 20 | 2.3% |
Agree | 113 | 12.8% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 286 | 32.2% |
Disagree | 317 | 35.8% |
Strongly disagree | 123 | 13.9% |
Web blank | 26 | 3.0% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
JS_h. I do not feel I can balance my work and home priorities
JS_h | n | % |
Strongly agree | 39 | 4.4% |
Agree | 115 | 13.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 277 | 31.3% |
Disagree | 324 | 36.6% |
Strongly disagree | 105 | 11.9% |
Web blank | 26 | 2.9% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
JS_i. I would encourage my own child to pursue a career in local election administration
JS_i | n | % |
Strongly agree | 48 | 5.4% |
Agree | 142 | 16.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 358 | 40.4% |
Disagree | 169 | 19.1% |
Strongly disagree | 129 | 14.6% |
Web blank | 40 | 4.5% |
872 out of 886 responding (98.4%)
JS_j. My county or local government does not consult me on policy or budget decisions
JS_j | n | % |
Strongly agree | 50 | 5.6% |
Agree | 116 | 13.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 210 | 23.7% |
Disagree | 382 | 43.1% |
Strongly disagree | 103 | 11.6% |
Web blank | 25 | 2.8% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
JS_k. My state legislature does not consult my community on election policy decisions
JS_k | n | % |
Strongly agree | 152 | 17.2% |
Agree | 288 | 32.5% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 275 | 31.0% |
Disagree | 115 | 13.0% |
Strongly disagree | 30 | 3.4% |
Web blank | 26 | 2.9% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
JS_l. In my job I am able to fully utilize my skills, abilities, and knowledge
JS_l | n | % |
Strongly agree | 175 | 19.8% |
Agree | 477 | 53.8% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 164 | 18.5% |
Disagree | 39 | 4.4% |
Strongly disagree | 5 | 0.6% |
Web blank | 27 | 3.0% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
JS_m. I am proud to tell people that I work for my department
JS_m | n | % |
Strongly agree | 247 | 27.9% |
Agree | 469 | 52.9% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 113 | 12.8% |
Disagree | 13 | 1.5% |
Strongly disagree | 16 | 1.8% |
Web blank | 27 | 3.1% |
875 out of 886 responding (98.8%)
JS_n. I am able to leave problems at work
JS_n | n | % |
Strongly agree | 57 | 6.4% |
Agree | 227 | 25.6% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 228 | 25.7% |
Disagree | 230 | 26.0% |
Strongly disagree | 118 | 13.3% |
Web blank | 27 | 3.0% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
JS_o. Meaningful public service is very important to me
JS_o | n | % |
Strongly agree | 359 | 40.6% |
Agree | 390 | 44.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 109 | 12.3% |
Disagree | 5 | 0.6% |
Strongly disagree | 2 | 0.2% |
Web blank | 21 | 2.3% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
JS_p. I believe in putting duty before self
JS_p | n | % |
Strongly agree | 168 | 18.9% |
Agree | 329 | 37.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 300 | 33.9% |
Disagree | 37 | 4.2% |
Strongly disagree | 29 | 3.3% |
Web blank | 23 | 2.6% |
874 out of 886 responding (98.6%)
JS_q. My job provides the primary health care benefits for my household
JS_q | n | % |
Strongly agree | 215 | 24.3% |
Agree | 227 | 25.7% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 82 | 9.3% |
Disagree | 131 | 14.8% |
Strongly disagree | 205 | 23.2% |
Web blank | 24 | 2.7% |
873 out of 886 responding (98.5%)
JS_r. My job provides the primary retirement savings for my household
JS_r | n | % |
Strongly agree | 175 | 19.8% |
Agree | 213 | 24.1% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 141 | 15.9% |
Disagree | 126 | 14.3% |
Strongly disagree | 207 | 23.4% |
Web blank | 23 | 2.6% |
875 out of 886 responding (98.8%)
JOB_SATISFIED. What three words come to mind when you think about what makes you satisfied with your job as a local election official?
JOB_DISSATISFIED. What three words come to mind when you think
about what makes you dissatisfied with your job as a local election
JS_OVERALL. All things considered, what is your level of overall satisfaction with your job?
JS_OVERALL | n | % |
Very satisfied | 224 | 25.3% |
Satisfied | 472 | 53.3% |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 114 | 12.9% |
Dissatisfied | 35 | 3.9% |
Very dissatisfied | 26 | 2.9% |
Web Blank | 15 | 1.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
HARASS_LEAVE. Do you personally know of any local election officials or election workers who have left their jobs at least in part because of fear for their safety, increased threats, or intimidation?
HARASS_LEAVE | n | % |
Yes, I know of one or two who have left their jobs because of concerns about their safety | 237 | 26.8% |
Yes, I know of many who have left their jobs because of concerns about their safety | 38 | 4.3% |
No, I don’t know of any who have left their jobs because of concerns about their safety | 593 | 66.9% |
Web blank | 18 | 2.0% |
878 out of 886 responding (99.1%)
HARASS_MYSELF. Have you considered leaving your job because of fear for your safety, increased threats, or intimidation?
Yes | 101 | 11.4% |
No | 776 | 87.6% |
Web blank | 9 | 1.0% |
882 out of 886 responding (99.5%)
The following is a list of ideas people sometimes propose. Please indicate how much you support or oppose each of these ideas regardless of whether or not they are in place in your state.
POLITICAL REFORMS. Run all elections by mail
POL_a | n | % |
Strongly support | 92 | 10.4% |
Somewhat support | 106 | 12.0% |
Neutral | 135 | 15.2% |
Somewhat oppose | 115 | 13.0% |
Strongly oppose | 419 | 47.3% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POLITCAL REFORMS. Allow people to register to vote on Election Day…
POL_b | n | % |
Strongly support | 274 | 31.0% |
Somewhat support | 87 | 9.9% |
Neutral | 104 | 11.7% |
Somewhat oppose | 103 | 11.7% |
Strongly oppose | 302 | 34.1% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POLITCAL REFORMS. Make Election Day a national holiday
POL_c | n | % |
Strongly support | 319 | 36.0% |
Somewhat support | 144 | 16.2% |
Neutral | 250 | 28.2% |
Somewhat oppose | 56 | 6.4% |
Strongly oppose | 105 | 11.8% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POLITCAL REFORMS. Consolidate local, state, and federal elections to take place at the same time
POL_d | n | % |
Strongly support | 263 | 29.7% |
Somewhat support | 200 | 22.6% |
Neutral | 213 | 24.1% |
Somewhat oppose | 74 | 8.4% |
Strongly oppose | 121 | 13.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POLITCAL REFORMS. Increase the use of Internet voting (online voting)
POL_e | n | % |
Strongly support | 24 | 2.7% |
Somewhat support | 80 | 9.0% |
Neutral | 132 | 14.9% |
Somewhat oppose | 133 | 15.0% |
Strongly oppose | 505 | 57.0% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
POLITCAL REFORMS. Require the use of photo identification for voting
POL_f | n | % |
Strongly support | 579 | 65.4% |
Somewhat support | 128 | 14.4% |
Neutral | 91 | 10.3% |
Somewhat oppose | 37 | 4.2% |
Strongly oppose | 38 | 4.3% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Looking back to the November 2022 election, to what extent are you confident about each of the following statements?
CONF2022_a. Voter registration lists nationwide were secure from outside interference.
CONF2022_a | n | % |
Very confident | 213 | 24.1% |
Somewhat confident | 285 | 32.2% |
Not too confident | 145 | 16.4% |
Not at all confident | 43 | 4.8% |
I don’t know | 177 | 20.0% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONF2022_b. Voter registration lists in my state were secure from outside interference.
CONF2022_b | n | % |
Very confident | 539 | 60.8% |
Somewhat confident | 198 | 22.4% |
Not too confident | 47 | 5.3% |
Not at all confident | 34 | 3.8% |
I don’t know | 43 | 4.9% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONF2022_c. Votes nationwide were counted as intended.
CONF2022_c | n | % |
Very confident | 278 | 31.4% |
Somewhat confident | 210 | 23.7% |
Not too confident | 158 | 17.8% |
Not at all confident | 87 | 9.8% |
I don’t know | 130 | 14.6% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONF2022d. Votes in my state were counted as intended
CONF2022_d | n | % |
Very confident | 580 | 65.5% |
Somewhat confident | 150 | 16.9% |
Not too confident | 57 | 6.4% |
Not at all confident | 45 | 5.1% |
I don’t know | 31 | 3.5% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
Looking ahead to the November 2024 election, to what extent are you confident about each of the following statements?
CONFa. Voter registration lists nationwide will be secure from outside interference.
CONF_a | n | % |
Very confident | 218 | 24.6% |
Somewhat confident | 296 | 33.5% |
Not too confident | 145 | 16.4% |
Not at all confident | 60 | 6.8% |
I don’t know | 142 | 16.0% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONFb. Voter registration lists in my state will be secure from outside interference.
CONF_b | n | % |
Very confident | 510 | 57.6% |
Somewhat confident | 219 | 24.8% |
Not too confident | 68 | 7.7% |
Not at all confident | 36 | 4.1% |
I don’t know | 29 | 3.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONFc. Votes nationwide will be counted as intended.
CONF_c | n | % |
Very confident | 272 | 30.7% |
Somewhat confident | 254 | 28.6% |
Not too confident | 151 | 17.0% |
Not at all confident | 61 | 6.9% |
I don’t know | 125 | 14.1% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
CONFd. Votes in my state will be counted as intended
CONF_d | n | % |
Very confident | 571 | 64.4% |
Somewhat confident | 162 | 18.3% |
Not too confident | 74 | 8.4% |
Not at all confident | 29 | 3.3% |
I don’t know | 26 | 2.9% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
STATELEG. Since the November 2022 election, has your state legislature passed legislation that impacted the way you conduct elections in your jurisdiction?
STATELEG | n | % |
Yes | 540 | 61.0% |
No | 227 | 25.7% |
I don’t know | 99 | 11.2% |
Web Blank | 19 | 2.2% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
LAWSHELP. On balance, do you think these new laws:
LAWSHELP | n | % |
Improved election administration in your jurisdiction | 155 | 28.7% |
Did not improve election administration in your jurisdiction | 263 | 48.8% |
I don’t know | 122 | 22.6% |
Web Blank | 0 | 0.0% |
626 out of 626 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. To what extent do you agree or disagree with …. I enjoy educating citizens about voting rules and procedures
RELATE_a | n | % |
Strongly agree | 337 | 38.0% |
Somewhat agree | 317 | 35.7% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 174 | 19.6% |
Somewhat disagree | 30 | 3.4% |
Strongly disagree | 7 | 0.7% |
Web Blank | 23 | 2.6% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. The lack of citizen knowledge about voting rules and procedures causes significant problems when people go to vote
RELATE_b | n | % |
Strongly agree | 246 | 27.8% |
Somewhat agree | 388 | 43.8% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 135 | 15.2% |
Somewhat disagree | 71 | 8.0% |
Strongly disagree | 22 | 2.5% |
Web Blank | 24 | 2.7% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. The primary responsibility of local election officials is to conduct the election, not worry about voter education or voter satisfaction
RELATE_c | n | % |
Strongly agree | 67 | 7.6% |
Somewhat agree | 184 | 20.8% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 150 | 17.0% |
Somewhat disagree | 264 | 29.8% |
Strongly disagree | 198 | 22.4% |
Web Blank | 22 | 2.5% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. Local election officials should consider it part of their responsibilities to work on voter education and voter satisfaction
RELATE_d | n | % |
Strongly agree | 240 | 27.1% |
Somewhat agree | 328 | 37.0% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 199 | 22.5% |
Somewhat disagree | 49 | 5.5% |
Strongly disagree | 47 | 5.3% |
Web Blank | 23 | 2.6% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. My office has enough time and resources to work on educating voters, along with conducting the election
RELATE_e | n | % |
Strongly agree | 49 | 5.6% |
Somewhat agree | 188 | 21.2% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 192 | 21.7% |
Somewhat disagree | 240 | 27.0% |
Strongly disagree | 194 | 21.9% |
Web Blank | 23 | 2.6% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. It is part of my job to encourage voter turnout
RELATE_f | n | % |
Strongly agree | 284 | 32.1% |
Somewhat agree | 256 | 28.9% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 229 | 25.8% |
Somewhat disagree | 50 | 5.6% |
Strongly disagree | 46 | 5.1% |
Web Blank | 22 | 2.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
RELATE_a. Local election officials should work to reduce demographic disparities in voter turnout
RELATE_g | n | % |
Strongly agree | 161 | 18.2% |
Somewhat agree | 148 | 16.7% |
Neither agree nor disagree | 407 | 46.0% |
Somewhat disagree | 56 | 6.4% |
Strongly disagree | 83 | 9.4% |
Web Blank | 30 | 3.4% |
886 out of 886 responding (100.0%)
VOTER EDUCATION. Which methods of outreach have you regularly used in your jurisdiction, if any, so voters receive accurate information about elections?
VOTER_EDUCATION | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Interacting with voters face-to-face in my office, via phone, or through email | 699 | 78.8% |
Sharing information on social media | 451 | 50.9% |
Running ads in local newspapers | 392 | 44.2% |
Conducting interviews with local newspapers or TV stations | 264 | 29.8% |
Mailing print materials to voters (pamphlets, voter guides) | 224 | 25.3% |
Organizing in-person town hall meetings | 101 | 11.4% |
Running ads on TV or radio | 100 | 11.3% |
None of the above | 65 | 7.3% |
Other | 33 | 3.7% |
VOTER EDUCATION_2. Which method of outreach do you think is most effective in your jurisdiction to ensure that voters receive accurate information about elections?
Mailing print materials to voters (eg., pamphlets, voter guides) | 87 | 9.8% |
Interacting with voters face-to-face in my office, via phone, or through email | 378 | 42.7% |
Organizing in-person town hall meetings | 13 | 1.4% |
Conducting interviews with local newspapers or TV stations | 38 | 4.3% |
Running ads in local newspapers | 60 | 6.8% |
Running ads on TV or radio | 14 | 1.6% |
Sharing information on social media | 142 | 16.0% |
Other (please specify): | 11 | 1.2% |
Posting information on local/municipal website | 22 | 2.5% |
None of the above | 72 | 8.1% |
Tours | 1 | 0.1% |
Speak at meetings/presentations | 0 | 0.0% |
Set up booths/tables schools/clubs/events | 6 | 0.6% |
Outgoing robocalls/reverse 911 | 1 | 0.1% |
Bulletin boards/signs/posted materials | 0 | 0.0% |
Pass out printed information/brochures/flyers | 0 | 0.0% |
Newspaper columns/articles | 0 | 0.0% |
Don’t know | 2 | 0.2% |
Web blank | 40 | 4.5% |
865 out of 886 responding (97.6%)
MISINFORMATION Some jurisdictions have had to deal with misinformation over the past few election cycles. To what extent, if at all, is misinformation a problem in your jurisdiction?
A serious problem | 175 | 19.8% |
A minor problem | 421 | 47.5% |
Not a problem at all | 206 | 23.3% |
I don’t know | 65 | 7.3% |
Web blank | 19 | 2.2% |
879 out of 886 responding (99.2%)
COMBAT_MISINFORMATION1 Which approach to addressing misinformation do you think is most effective?
Mostly reactive (e.g. debunking/ responding to stories as they emerge) | 13 | 2.2% |
Mostly proactive (e.g. pre-bunking dominant mis/disinformation claims from recent election cycles) | 64 | 10.8% |
A mixture of reactive and proactive | 373 | 62.6% |
None of it seems to be effective | 87 | 14.7% |
I don’t know | 58 | 9.7% |
Web blank | 0 | 0.1% |
703 out of 704 responding (99.9%)
COMBAT_MISINFORMATION2 Which of the following, if any, have you done to directly confront or combat misinformation in your jurisdiction? (Select all that apply.)
COMBAT_MISINFORMATION2 | n | % of LEOs selecting |
Posted information on social media | 274 | 46.0% |
Provided statements to newspapers | 199 | 33.5% |
None of the above | 169 | 28.4% |
Developed a webpage or FAQ about misinformation | 121 | 20.3% |
Other | 86 | 14.5% |
Sent informational mailers or newsletters | 79 | 13.3% |
Appeared on television news | 64 | 10.7% |
Written Op-Eds | 39 | 6.5% |
PC_EDEARLY. Statement A: I prefer that all voters cast ballots on Election Day at a polling place or voting center. Statement B: I prefer that voters have lots of options at home or early in-person voting along with Election Day voting.
PC_EDEARLY | n | % |
1 - Strongly agree with Statement A | 130 | 14.7% |
2 | 73 | 8.2% |
3 | 46 | 5.2% |
4 - Neutral | 134 | 15.1% |
5 | 93 | 10.5% |
6 | 143 | 16.2% |
7 - Strongly agree with Statement B | 259 | 29.3% |
876 out of 886 responding (98.9%)
PC_ACCESSSECURE. Statement A: It is important to establish processes that make it easy for people to exercise the right to vote, even if doing so presents some security risks. Statement B: It is important to make voting as secure as possible…
1 - Strongly agree with Statement A | 50 | 5.6% |
2 | 61 | 6.8% |
3 | 77 | 8.7% |
4 - Neutral | 222 | 25.1% |
5 | 154 | 17.4% |
6 | 121 | 13.6% |
7 - Strongly agree with Statement B | 163 | 18.4% |
866 out of 886 responding (97.7%)
PC_INDIVGOVT. Statement A: Individuals ought to take responsibility for making sure they’re registered to vote. Statement B: Government ought to take responsibility for making sure all eligible voters are registered to vote.
PC_INDIVGOVT | n | % |
1 - Strongly agree with Statement A | 495 | 55.9% |
2 | 114 | 12.8% |
3 | 91 | 10.3% |
4 - Neutral | 101 | 11.4% |
5 | 20 | 2.3% |
6 | 18 | 2.0% |
7 - Strongly agree with Statement B | 30 | 3.4% |
871 out of 886 responding (98.3%)
PC_DUTYCHOICE. Statement A: Voting is a duty; people should vote in every election no matter how they feel about the candidates and parties. Statement B: Voting is a choice; people can choose to vote or not to vote depending on how they feel…
1 - Strongly agree with Statement A | 101 | 11.4% |
2 | 58 | 6.6% |
3 | 43 | 4.8% |
4 - Neutral | 157 | 17.8% |
5 | 70 | 7.9% |
6 | 142 | 16.0% |
7 - Strongly agree with Statement B | 297 | 33.5% |
869 out of 886 responding (98.1%)
AGE. What is your age?
AGE | n | % |
18 to 25 | 3 | 0.3% |
26 to 34 | 33 | 3.8% |
35 to 49 | 186 | 21.8% |
50 to 64 | 419 | 49.0% |
65+ | 212 | 24.8% |
I prefer not to answer | 32 |
883 out of 886 responding (99.7%)
GENDER. How do you describe yourself?
GENDER | n | % |
Male | 134 | 15.9% |
Female | 705 | 83.6% |
Other (please specify) | 0 | 0.0% |
I prefer not to answer | 43 |
879 out of 886 responding (99.2%)
ETHNIC: Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
ETHNIC | n | % |
Yes | 35 | 4.5% |
No | 749 | 95.1% |
I prefer not to answer | 99 |
882 out of 886 responding (99.5%)
RACE. How would you describe yourself?
RACE | n | % |
American Indian or Alaskan Native | 4 | 0.6% |
Asian | 3 | 0.4% |
Black or African American | 35 | 4.5% |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | 0 | 0.1% |
White | 706 | 91.7% |
2 or more races | 19 | 2.5% |
I prefer not to answer | 117 |
883 out of 886 responding (99.7%)
EDUC. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
EDUC | n | % |
Some high school | 1 | 0.2% |
High school | 115 | 13.8% |
Some college | 253 | 30.4% |
College | 287 | 34.5% |
Some graduate school | 72 | 8.7% |
Graduate school | 88 | 10.5% |
I prefer not to answer | 54 |
880 out of 886 responding (99.3%)
SALARY. Please select your salary range.
SALARY | n | % |
Less than $20,000 | 102 | 12.9% |
$20,000 to $34,999 | 138 | 17.4% |
$35,000 to $49,999 | 80 | 10.1% |
$50,000 to $74,999 | 250 | 31.5% |
$75,000 to $99,999 | 141 | 17.8% |
$100,000 or more | 72 | 9.1% |
I prefer not to answer | 93 |
880 out of 886 responding (99.3%)
PARTISANSHIP. Where would you place yourself on the following scale?
Strong Democrat | 53 | 8.5% |
Not very strong Democrat | 21 | 3.3% |
Independent, lean Democrat | 80 | 12.9% |
Independent | 132 | 21.2% |
Independent, lean Republican | 109 | 17.5% |
Not very strong Republican | 45 | 7.2% |
Strong Republican | 139 | 22.2% |
Other party (please specify) | 34 | 5.5% |
I prefer not to answer | 262 |
879 out of 886 responding (99.2%)